ICESat GLAS Data for Urban Environment Monitoring


Although the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) onboard the NASA Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite was not designed for urban applications, its 3-D measurement capability over the globe makes it a nice feature for consideration in monitoring urban heights. However, this has not been previously done. In this paper, we report some preliminary assessment of the GLAS data for building height and density estimation in a suburb of Beijing, China. Building heights can be directly calculated from a GLAS data product (GLA14). Because GLA14 limits height levels to six in each ground footprint, we developed a new method to remove this restriction by processing the raw GLAS data. The maximum heights measured in the field at selected GLAS footprints were used to validate the GLAS measurement results. By assuming a constant incident energy and surface reflectance within a GLAS footprint, the building density can be estimated from GLA14 or from our newly processed GLAS data. The building density determined from high-resolution images in Google Earth was used to validate the GLAS estimation results. The results indicate that the newly developed method can produce more accurate building height estimation within each GLAS footprint (R2 = 0.937, rmse = 6.4 m, and n = 26) than the GLA14 data product (R2 = 0.808, rmse = 11.5 m, and n = 26). However, satisfactory estimation results on building density cannot be obtained from the GLAS data with the methods investigated in this paper. Forest cover could be a challenge to building height and density estimation from the GLAS data. It should be addressed in future research.

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Zhan Li
Zhan Li
Project Scientist

A technologist, environmentalist, and sometimes idealist.
